Our Services
All About Psychological Assessment
Psychological assessment involves the evaluation of mental, emotional, and behavioural health by a Registered Psychologist.
They typically involve a structured interview, as well as the use of other tools, such as psychometric testing, to gather information regarding underlying factors influencing presenting issues & challenges.
Psychological assessments can be used to make mental health & behavioural diagnosis, as well as formulate treatment planning to ensure appropriate and effective care.
Psychological assessments are voluntary & may be prompted by curiosity around a specific concern, or a desire to understand yourself in a deeper way. They may also be applicable when mental health, emotional, or behavioural concerns are impeding on your everyday functioning & quality of life.
Alternatively, psychological assessments may be recommended to you by someone else. For example, you may be encouraged to complete a psychological assessment to determine certain conditions (e.g. job related injury) in order to access resources and support in the workplace.
Additionally, psychological assessments can be particularly helpful when you have tried treatment in the past & have had little success. This could be because the type of treatment you tried, was not effective for what it is that’s really going on with you! Psychological assessments can provide clarity around what treatment would be best suited and most effective for you, based on the results!
No, psychologists do not make medication recommendations or prescribe psychiatric medication as a part of treatment.
Yes, psychological assessments are coverage by benefits.
You will need to check out your benefit plan + connect with your insurance provider to confirm that your plan does cover psychological assessments & to inquire around how much coverage you are provided.
Diagnosable Conditions
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Anxiety Disorders
Substance Disorders
Bipolar Disorder
Personality Disorders
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Sleep Disorders
Academic Testing
Please note that Dr. Gupta currently does not provide psycho-educational or academic assessments. She can however sit down with you to explain your psycho-educational assessment results if you were tested elsewhere. This can help you understand your strengths and weaknesses. She can fill in documentation for both academic and/or workplace accommodations.
Reach out for a Psychological Assessment Now!
There is sometimes a waitlist for psychological assessments!
It is also important that the reasons to which you are inquiring about a psychological assessment are within the psychologists scope of practice.
If you are interested in a psychological assessment, please click “Reach Out Now” above & complete our short form. We will get back to you within 48-hours of receiving your email, with next steps.
Meet Dr. Rina Gupta, PhD
Rina is an experienced clinical & consulting psychologist with a 25 year history of working with children, adolescents, adults, and families.
Rina transitioned to private practice a few years ago and specializes in the treatment of developmental trauma and PTSD. At this time, Rina works primarily with first responders, military, correctional officers & law enforcement personnel.
“Trauma scars do not need to be carried throughout our lives””